Sunday, June 21, 2015

Plus 9

It feels like open season on black people in this perverse country. Add nine more to the count for the year. I believe that Black Lives Matter, but they still matter far less than white lives.

The Fox News twist is that the killings were an assault on “Christians.” This is one of the network’s major tropes, repeated and echoed by all their demented celebrity mouthpieces. The white shooter isn’t a terrorist, claim the Fox propagandists, he was defending Christianity from assault by liberals.

If the victims had been white, the shooter black, the media would use words like “thug” and “predator” to describe him; if the victims had been white and the shooter a Muslim, the media would label him a terrorist.

The flag of the old confederacy still flies above the capitol in South Carolina.

President Obama wrings his hands and claims these mass killings must stop, but he will not spend much time arguing with Congress about handgun control; Obama is very busy trying to obtain fast-track approval for the TPP, a payback to his corporate masters. We’ll get some lip service from the White House about gun control, a moving speech or two, some tears, but no action.

Let’s face it, for the foreseeable future crazy people will obtain handguns, and innocent people will be shot. We are a violent nation, at home, and abroad. This isn’t about to change.

Racism in America is reflexive. Dr. King was murdered nearly 50 years ago, and here we are, mourning black victims of a white man with racist demons in his head and his heart.

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