Saturday, April 25, 2015


The US doesn’t mourn the victims of its drone attacks. Turkey doesn’t recognize the Armenian genocide that happened 100 years ago. History didn’t happen, just as the earth isn’t warming as a result of human activity. A fair number of sane and sober people actually believe that Hillary Clinton has shed her heavy baggage and now cares about us commoners. Back in the 1940’s, Henry Miller called America the “air conditioned nightmare.” I wonder what Henry would say if he could see the joint now. We wage perpetual war against shadow enemies and reserve the right to ignore casualties unless they are our own and can be exploited to show how evil our enemies are. The other day I heard a Republican nitwit, a congressman from one of the red states, jabbering about the dangers of our overly generous social safety net, and how it makes people dependent on the government. I wondered if this joker really believes this claptrap or if he’s merely an ideological robot. The only people with a safety net in this country are those that don’t need it, and by that I mean the ultra-rich, the corporate chieftains, the bankers, and the energy company czars. In this twisted nation, the poor bailout the rich, not the other way around. In Saudi Arabia, public beheadings are common, and yet we still call the Saudis our friends. We give Israel weapons with which to murder Palestinians. Somewhere in the world, the global battlefield, an American drone is hovering over a target that may, or may not, be a terrorist; it could just as well be an elderly grandmother on her way home from the market. Was the world this nuts 30 years ago? Who killed the Arab Spring? The masters of war and the ministers of global finance never sleep. Waist deep in BS, that’s what we are. One by one, we extinguish the thousand points of light. Dark days and darker nights ahead.

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